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Pigmentation:  What causes it and how can it be corrected?

Pigmentation: What causes it and how can it be corrected?

Pigmentation, sometimes referred to as “sunspots”, can be caused by a number of different factors. Some people are born with clusters of freckles appearing across larger areas of skin, whereas sunspots tend to present as groups of 2-3 larger spots and develop over years of exposure to UV rays.

Melanin is what provides our skin with its colour, and is produced by sun exposure as a natural protection from UV rays. Which is why if you think about, most people with a darker skin tone live closer to the equator where there is more sun.

But the sun is only one of the main causes of pigmentation. Our skin can also be triggered to increase melanin production by natural aging, hormonal influences, skin injuries or inflammation.

What can be done?

Of course the easiest way to avoid pigmentation is to wear your sunscreen, as prevention is always better than a cure. When our skin is subjected to sun exposure it darkens as a defense mechanism, and it starts to tan. Sometimes our skin can go into over-drive and produce too much melanin, leading to permanent pigmentation or sunspots.

Treatment options:

Laser treatments:

The most common solution for pigmentation is an IPL (intense pulsed light) or a KTP laser treatment. Specialized light enters the skin to help remove brown and red spots on the surface. These treatments have been used for nearly 25 years, and are very safe and effective if performed by a trained professional. Results are acheived quite quickly, with sometimes only need 1-3 treatments needed for full brightening of the skin. However, these aren’t appropriate treatments for darker skin types or tanned skin, and most melasmas cannot be treated with lasers.


Hydroquinone is a prescription grade cream that helps reduce pigmentation on the surface, while also preventing and removing discoloration from the lower levels of the skin. When it is used properly it can have no side effects, and is a safe and effective way to get rid of stubborn spots that can’t be removed with laser treatments. This is the best option for patients with melasma, and for darker skin tones where lasers cannot be used.

Skincare products:

There are many products and ingredients out there that can be used to help brighten overall skin tone. Common ingredients are resorcinol, vitamin-C, bearberry and liquorice extracts. All skin types can use these products and they can be used in the sun. They provide a much slower result than hydroquinone or laser treatments. Consider this option as more of a maintenance protocol than an actual treatment.